The Real Truth About UFOs Seen In the American Sky Came Out


In this report released by the Pentagon’s All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (ADARO), it was said that till now, no such evidence has been found that would make it clear that we have had any contact with aliens. According to the report submitted to Congress on Friday, most of the observed UFO objects were ordinary Earth objects.

The US Defense Ministry Pentagon has made a big disclosure in a report. The Pentagon reported that the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) seen from time to time in the skies of America between 1950 and 1960 had no connection with aliens. These were not alien spaceships but America’s intelligence aeroplanes.

Pentagon Did Not Find Evidence Related To UFOs

In this report released by the Pentagon’s All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (ADARO), it was said that till now, no such evidence has been found that would make it clear that we have had any contact with aliens. According to the report submitted to Congress on Friday, most of the UFO sightings were ordinary Earth objects. Still, the Pentagon has stated unequivocally that it will carry out more research on extraterrestrial life.


What Did American Officials Say About The Report?

Officials say that these reports are related to the investigation of UFOs by the US government and making related revelations. The Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) has released this study. A poll was also conducted to find out what people think about aliens. According to a 2021 Gallup poll, more than 40 per cent of Americans think that alien spaceships have visited Earth.

A Pentagon spokesperson said that various TV shows, books, films based on aliens and a large amount of content available on the Internet and social media have instilled in the minds of people that aliens are real. Still, they do not have to know about them. No evidence has been found that there is anything like aliens in the sky.

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