Canceled! Korea’s Most Anticipated Countdown, 2024, Was Canceled 30 Seconds Before It Got Started.

Canceled! Korea's Most Anticipated Countdown, 2024, Was Canceled 30 Seconds Before It Got Started.

The most awaited South Korea’s Busan 2024 countdown was canceled just before it got started.

31 December is the last day of 2023—the US’s iconic Times Square Ball Drop in New York in the New Year. South Korea also had big plans to celebrate New Year 2024.

This time, this countdown 2024 was held in Busan, but it was canceled a few minutes before it got started.

People have more expectations because the rehearsals for the performances went viral (with 4M+ views). This time, they decided to have a drone dragon soaring over the sea. They wanted to celebrate 2024 as the “Year of the Dragon” Koreans in the Busan. People all around the nation are curious and excited to see the actual show.

Canceled! Korea's Most Anticipated Countdown, 2024, Was Canceled 30 Seconds Before It Got Started.

The 2024 year of the dragon show rehearsing countdown drone show at Gwangalli Beach.

But everyone gets flopped! When they announced that the show was canceled. Unfortunately, as anticipated as it was, the countdown show completely dropped. Just before it got started, it was canceled.

Busan Economy reported that the show did not take place at midnight due to a network error. And it was announced to be postponed half an hour before it gets started.

Most people have another point of view about the show being canceled. Some said that it was due to the crowd that turned out, causing network congestion. An overload might have occurred in the area. Some noted that drones become inoperable without a proper internet connection.

Canceled! Korea's Most Anticipated Countdown, 2024, Was Canceled 30 Seconds Before It Got Started.

After the cancellation of the event, there was disappointment all around for those who went out to the beachside amid the cold to watch the show. Busan faced much backlash for the lack of preparation. 

Reactions of the people of South Korea over the cancellation of the 2024 countdown show-

  • “It is Busan’s fault for not preparing well enough for the eve. There was no countdown. The drones stopped working just before the show had to start. No official announcement was made about what was happening. After waiting for so long, it was announced that the show had been canceled. It was obvious that there were no backup plans in case the drone stopped working. The people in charge of putting this show together should be held responsible for the unsuccessful night.
  • People should set up an additional network transmitter. How did the Busan not think about the internet connection while putting together a drone show?!

Canceled! Korea's Most Anticipated Countdown, 2024, Was Canceled 30 Seconds Before It Got Started.
  • “It was first canceled.” so we missed the countdown for 2024. I am at a loss of words.”
  • I just got home from this…haha. I even dragged my mom to watch the show; it was so cold outside. I am happy that they are not upset about what happened. I don’t understand why Busan didn’t prepare a backup plan for such events. No one was managing traffic flow. No loudspeakers; people are just yelling around.
  • “I had to walk back to my hotel in Haeundae because there were no cabs in the area, and the buses were full. They wouldn’t let me get on. It was so stupid.”

The dragon is now set to re-attempt taking off at 7 PM KST. Let’s see what happened this time.

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