The Tweet Went Viral! When K-pop Fans Unite To Defend SHINee’s Minho Against Being Called A “Basic Korean Man”.

The Tweet Went Viral! When K-pop Fans Unite To Defend SHINee's Minho Against Being Called A "Basic Korean Man".

Twitter is a social media platform where people share their opinions. Some of them are real, and some of them are fake. Some people spread fake agendas, and some are genuine. When some K-pop or celebrities share some tweets, fans react to them. Many K-pop has a lot of passionate and intense lovers. They respond very aggressively to defend or criticize their K-pop stars. Recently, a fan community united to protect his favourite K-pop idol. Some of the people write some ridiculous comments! 

In short

  • Someone posted a tweet calling Minho a “basic Korean man. “
  • The entire fandom came to defend him against the statement.
  • The tweet ended up going viral and currently has 2.9 million views.

This idol in question is SHINee‘s Minho, a beloved icon. Not only his fans but other fans also unite to defend him. They said, “If the basic Korean man was really like this, Korea’s birth rate wouldn’t have hit such a low point”. SHINee’s Minho is a good person and a stunning K-pop singer. He is a genuinely good person and has had a positive reputation for his 15-year career.

So when someone posted a tweet calling Minho a “basic Korean man,” the entire fandom came to defend him against the statement. They said he was just a bare Korean man. The people calling him attractive are only saying that because he is an Asian. Just after this tweet was posted, there was a wave of posts by Minho’s fans supporting him. The tweet immediately met tons of backlash from Shawols and non-shawols alike. Every K-pop fandom imaginable is coming to share their love for Minho.

Minho is a South Korean singer and rapper. He started his career in 2008 as a SHINee member, becoming a best-selling Korean artist. Once, Minho said he wanted to become a professional football player like my dad, but his family didn’t want him to pursue this career. In 2011, Minho became the honorary Ambassador for Youth 2011. He was appointed as UNICEF Uni Hero Campaign Ambassador “Giving Hope to the Children”. Once, he was among the highest-paid advertisement models. He even attended the Coach 2016 S/S fashion show, which was held in New York. 

Some of the comments are-

  • I don’t say it because he is Asian. I say it because he is stunningly beautiful. Nothing is essential about him.
  • Is it okay to not find him attractive, but to say others only do because he is Asian is insane?
  • Before my frontal lobe developed.
  • Calling CHOI MINHO essential is just insanity. Like, wtf are you on???
  • Wow, sorry about your terrible take and terrible taste.
  • Ain’t the way you’re saying this about Choi Minho.
  • There is something fundamentally wrong with this. You may not find Minho handsome personally, but that’s okay. But to say that people think he is handsome only because he is Asian is just wrong. For the record, I find Minho super pretty, and it’s definitely not because he is Asian.
  • I wish every man were as ‘Basic’ as CHOI MINHO. The world would have been beautiful.
  • Watching all the fandoms assemble to defend the honour of Minho from someone silly enough to say he is not hpt with their whole, girl, bye.

The tweet was suddenly met with millions of views. The tweet ended up going viral and currently has 2.9 million views. Some of the comments are hilarious, too.

The quote retweets are just as great as the comments, too! It’s nice to see fandom uniting like this rather than fighting among themselves—all thanks to the power of Minho’s love and charming personality.

Also Read: SHINee Minho and Hwang Minhyun Will Host The MBC Music Festival 2023.

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