Legal Developments in FIFTY FIFTY's Dispute with ATTRAKT

Police Decision: The Gangnam Police Station in Seoul opts not to transfer the breach of trust case filed against ATTRAKT's CEO to the prosecution, citing no charges.

Accountability Stance: ATTRAKT vows to hold accountable those who deceived members and manipulated corporate funds, emphasizing their commitment to transparency and integrity.

Previous Complaint: In August last year, FIFTY FIFTY filed a criminal complaint against CEO Jeon Hong Joon, alleging misuse of the group's music and album profits to repay debts of StarCrew Ent.

Group's Background: FIFTY FIFTY gained global recognition with their debut in November 2022, notably with the hit song "Cupid."

Legal Disputes: Legal battles ensued, leading to the group filing for provisional disposition to suspend their exclusive contracts with ATTRAKT in June 2023, amid disagreements over contract terms and financial matters.

Member Changes: Amidst the turmoil, member Keena returned to ATTRAKT, while the remaining members faced contract termination and civil suits.

Upcoming Comeback: FIFTY FIFTY gears up for a comeback in June or July, with plans to reorganize around Keena, indicating a determination to move forward despite legal challenges.